Triathlon Training

July 21, 2024

On September 1, 2024, I want to do my first Olympic Triathlon, which consists of 1.5km swimming, 40km cycling, and 10km running. I've already completed the Sprint distance (750m swimming, 20km cycling, and 5km running) twice, but I've never done the Olympic distance. It's time to change that!

My training plan

When it comes to endurance sports, I have a solid foundation, but I'm still far off where I would like to be on race day. In the last couple of weeks, I have done an endurance-focused training block and taken swimming lessons. However, I have yet to do any triathlon-specific training. I will be training specifically for a triathlon in the next ten weeks, starting on June 24, 2024.

There are three main building blocks of my training plan:

Day 1Swim (zone 2/aerobic)
Day 2Strength
Day 3Bike (zone 2/aerobic)
Day 4Swim (technique/race pace)
Day 5Strength
Day 6Bike + Run (race pace)
Day 7Run (zone 2/aerobic)
+3 optional short morning runs (race pace or faster)

Strength training

My training plan mainly includes strength training to avoid training only cardio and add variety. In addition, deadlifts and squats have been proven to help endurance athletes perform better. During my triathlon-specific training, I'll reduce my strength training to a 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps of 80%-95% of my one-rep max for three exercises only: deadlift, squat, and bench press. I do strength training twice a week.

Zone2/aerobic training

I'll dedicate three days per week to zone 2/aerobic training (one day per discipline). Those easy runs/swims/rides should feel like little work. Zone 2, or aerobic work, is fundamental in increasing the base speed, pushing lactate thresholds up, and increasing the overall endurance. The good news is that training in that zone feels easy and fun. The bad news is that it takes a lot of volume and, with that, time. But hey, why not pop in an audiobook or a good podcast and zone out during the long runs or rides?

High intensity training

The rest of the workouts will be high-intensity training. Those challenging runs/swims/rides should feel like work I want to avoid. (Wait, what?! Why?!) I'll include one swim at a higher pace mixed with technique work (breathing, strokes, etc.) and one brick workout at a race pace, where I combine cycling with running. These two additional high-intensity workouts and all the other sessions already add up to 7 workouts. If I have the energy and am well rested, I'll add a maximum of 3 short but high-intensity runs where I do sprints, hill training, etc. But only if I feel ready to do so.

Rest days

There are no rest days in my training plan. Knowing that I want to avoid beating myself up too much if I miss a session here or there. That's OK. However, I believe the mix of disciplines will make it possible to stick to the plan in the next ten weeks. I'd aim high and miss a few sessions rather than not give my best.

I'll include two weeks with lighter workouts and some rest days as I'll be on vacation for 2 of the next ten weeks. I'll use those weeks, plus the last week before the triathlon, to give my body more rest and balance things out a bit.

Time & intensity

I plan to start light and gradually increase the intensity of my training. I'll start with 30 minutes for the swim sessions, 1 hour for the run and bike sessions, and a 20km ride + 5km run for the brick workout. Week by week, I want to increase the time I spend training and the distance I run/bike/swim. I want to keep the 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps for the strength training and stick to my calculated one-rep max throughout the whole training plan.


I aim to consume 1-2g of protein per kilogram of body weight daily and plan to reduce my caloric intake by 500 kcal per day for the first two-thirds of the training program to achieve a slightly lighter weight for the race. Other than that, I don't have anything specific planned. Carb loading should be fun to try. I'll review the concept a few weeks before the race and judge if it makes sense.

Let's get to it!

First check in on July 01, 2024

Training recap

Starting triathlon training last week was challenging due to a heavy workload and numerous social events. Despite this, I completed the seven planned workouts and one additional bonus session. The training load felt good, but I recogniz the need to prioritize my available time better to ensure I'll have enough time for all planned training sessions in the future.

StrengthCompleted my two planned sessions
SwimSwam for 1 hour and 6 minutes
RunCovered 22km (including one optional short tempo run!)
RideLogged 54km on the bike

The highlight of the week was doing my first brick workout, which was challenging but rewarding. I rode 20km in 38 minutes, completed the 5km run in around 26 minutes, and had about 4 minutes of transition time in between.

Diet & nutrition

Being invited to three (sic!) BBQs in one week made sticking to a caloric deficit impossible. In the end, I had a caloric surplus of 71 kcal per day instead of a caloric deficit of around 500 kcal as planned. Oops. The BBQs were all delicious, though.No regrets!

Looking ahead

Next week, I'll try to increase the zone 2/aerobic sessions and want to squeeze in two optional runs instead of one.

Check in on July 08, 2024

Training recap

The second week of training is in the books. I've completed all planned workouts and one additional relaxed swim session.

StrengthTwo sessions±0%
Swim1 hour and 27 minutes+32%

The second week felt great. I've slightly increased the swim and ride times, and my second brick session (24km ride + 5km run) felt much better than the first one. But as I did the brick again at tempo pace, it was still very tough.

Swimming with and without the wetsuit feels more and more natural to me. I've always been a good swimmer, but a few weeks ago, I couldn't swim 25m freestyle, and in the last few days, I have felt real progress when it comes to swimming freestyle.

Diet & nutrition

I ate less than I needed and was in a slight caloric deficit of around 300kcal per day. Eating less than I burn is not the highest priority; if it works out that way, while I still have enough energy, great; if not, it's not a big deal, and I eat more. Overall, this week, the slight caloric deficit worked out well.

Looking ahead

The optional short runs are challenging to do in the morning as I have difficulty going to bed that early. But they are optional. As long as I finish the rest of the plan, I'm OK with skipping them.

Check in on July 15, 2024

Training recap

I couldn't do three planned sessions last week: I missed the brick run and my two strength training sessions. The week was busy, and on the weekend, my wife and I spent time at Lake Atter relaxing and celebrating our seventh wedding anniversary. As I said when I laid out my training plan, I don't want to be too hard on myself if I miss a session here or there. It's time to put my money where my mouth is. But oh, boy, is it hard. Being ambitious and goal-driven, I struggle with this. I need to remind myself that I'm not a robot and that life is much more important than checking every box of my training plan.

StrengthNo sessions-100%
Swim1 hour and 32 minutes+4%

Time spent training

The highlight of my week was swimming the 1,500m, the required distance for the race, in 34 minutes (2:16 /100m).

Diet & nutrition

I ate at a calculated caloric deficit of around 300 kcal again. A 300 kcal deficit seems to be my sweet spot right now. It's easy to achieve and still enough to keep me from going to bed hungry.

Looking ahead

Last week, I missed one of the two biking sessions. This week, I want to make sure to spend more time on the bike, as I'll be on vacation the next week. During my vacation, I'll be able to swim and run, but I won't be able to jump on the bike.

Check in on July 22, 2024

Training recap

I spent most of my time training on the bike. In addition to over 120km riding, I've done two strength training sessions and two short additional workouts (a swim and a run). Saturday and Sunday were travel days, so I did not do any workouts on those two days.

StrengthTwo sessions+∞%
Swim8 minutes-91%

Time spent training

Diet & nutrition

Based on the calculation from the previous weeks, I ate more or less what my body needed, so I didn't end up with a caloric deficit last week.

Looking ahead

I'll be on vacation this week. Of course, I want to run and maybe swim, but I planned the week as a recovery week.

Check in on July 29, 2024

Training recap

As I was on vacation, I spent most of my time relaxing and enjoying the vacation. I did run a few times and did some strength training, but I did not do any swims or bike rides.

StrengthTwo sessions±0%
Swim0 minutes-100%

Time spent training

Diet & nutrition

I ate more or less what my body needed, so I didn't end up with a caloric deficit last week.

Looking ahead

I'm still on vacation until Wednesday and have limited chances to do workouts. Saturday and Sunday will be vacation days again, so I only have Thursday and Friday for workouts.

Check in on August 05, 2024

Training recap

As last week was my second vacation week, I struggled to keep up with my training plan. I couldn't do both my strength workouts, and I did only one short swim session. In addition, I only did the bare minimum of running.

The highlight of the week was another brick workout. I rode 32km in an hour and ran 5km in under 24 minutes right after. The ride felt good, and I felt that I had finally improved my running.

StrengthOne session-50%
Swim32 minutes+∞%

Time spent training

Diet & nutrition

Again, I ate more or less what my body needed, so I didn't end up with a caloric deficit.

Looking ahead

Check in on August 12, 2024

Training recap

I was sick more or less the entire week. I wasn't able to do a single workout.

StrengthNo sessions-100%
Swim0 minutes-100%

Time spent training

Diet & nutrition

Last week, I managed to stick to the diet plan again, except for one day when I didn't care as I was at a friend's bachelor party.

Looking ahead

Being sick sucks. It sucks even more if you can't stick to the training plan you want to follow, and the planned triathlon is coming closer and closer. I'll need to pick it up this week as I feel much better and ready to be out on the road or in the pool again.

Check in on August 19, 2024

Training recap

Coming back to training after a week off was a great feeling. However, I felt I missed a lot of progress I could have made last week.

StrengthOne session+∞%
Swim1 hour and 22 minutes+∞%

Time spent training

Diet & nutrition

Last week, I ate around maintenance. It feels like too much effort to reduce caloric intake currently.

Looking ahead

Being back on the road and in the water feels great. I'd like to train much more before the race, as with a few days to go, I'm still leaving a lot of potential on the table. On the other hand, I'm also considering moving the race date, as I might have a scheduling conflict. Doing the race a few days earlier would give me even less training time but could help avoid potential date collisions.

Check in on August 26, 2024

Training recap

I spent most of last week with my family in Carinthia. As Lake Wörth was only a few steps away, I swam a lot and did a few runs early morning or late at night when the temperature was bearable.

StrengthNo sessions-100%
Swim3 hours+105%

Time spent training

Diet & nutrition

Last week, I continued to eat around maintenance.

Looking ahead

Swimming was great, and I started feeling much more comfortable in the water.

Check in on September 02, 2024

Training recap

Initially, I wanted to do the triathlon early last week. However, my shoulder started to throb after the intense swimming the week before. I still wanted to give it a shot on Monday, but I didn't find my rhythm in the water, and as I went out of the 1.5km swim, both legs cramped up. I had to abort the race.

This painful experience indicated that I needed to take my injuries more seriously. Last week, I went to the doctor to check up on my shoulder. It turned out not to be a severe injury, but I was told to take it easy for a few days and to avoid swimming, which I did.

StrengthNo sessions±0%
Swim1 hour-66%

Time spent training

Diet & nutrition

Again, I continued to eat around maintenance.

Looking ahead

I'm really frustrated that I couldn't do the triathlon. I'll try to do it in the next few days.

Check in on September 03, 2024

Final check-in

Yesterday, I completed the triathlon in 2 hours and 54 minutes.

Swim1.5km33 minutes
T1-3 minutes
Ride40km1 hour and 18 minutes
T2-1 minute
Run10km59 minutes

Ultimately, I didn't manage to break the 2-hour and 45-minute mark. The swim went smoothly. However, going out of the water, a small cramp, made the start of the bike ride very uncomfortable. Winds on the bike course also slowed me down, and I was 1-2km/h slower than I expected. Finally, the run was more challenging than I anticipated. Luckily, the cramps stopped at some point during the bike race, but the heat and the exhaustion from the two disciplines before the run made me much slower than I wished I was.

The last paragraph might sound negative, but nonetheless, I'm stoked that I did the Olympic distance in a respectable time. Doing a triathlon on my own was an exciting experience. However, staying motivated during the race was a challenge. If I do another one, I'll likely do a race with other people.